Title Holders
Here you will find dogs we have bred or owned/co-owned that have gone on to succeed in the world of dog sports. You will find this in no particular order because each of them is important in their own right. I love all the dogs I produce and just because one came up first didn’t mean a thing!!!

Ch Dumbriton Double Diamond at Berlscarg
George came to stay with me for showing and breeding. At that time he was owned in partnership with John Thompson who gets the credit for bringing him to the USA from the UK. He was a terrific dog full of himself. He is the sire to Guy and Amy.

Ch Classy Staffys Lil Pirate
Mister was owned and handled by my mom. No easy feat as she was not a youngster and this was a strong dog. He was her best friend and although a hand full she worked hard with him and he became a champion. Although he died before she could title him he was trained into CDX mode. She lost him when a UPS truck hit him on his own property. So sad and she always missed him.

Am/Can/SA/Intl Ch Crossbow Emma Peel
What can be said of this wonderful bitch. She was a winner in the ring, in the whelping box and of course in my heart. Although I never owned her she spent most of her time in the USA with me. She slept on my bed sometimes leaving no room for me as she loved my husband. She returned to South Africa and to her owner Juanita Hobbs leaving behind a litter that won her the title of Top Brood Bitch in the USA.

Am Can Ch Classy Staffys Tailor Made, A/C UDX,MAD
Tailor is pictured her with her owner Donna Bradley having gone High In Trial. Tailor and Donna were quite a team competing in conformation in two countries and obedience in two countries. Now what should they do next? Donna decided to try agility and with excellent guidance Tailor became a Master Agility Dog in no time. She’s has passed away but she will live on through her memories. She is the mother of our Xena.

Ch Classy Staffys Sam I Am
Sam was owned and was handled to his championship by Jason Kelley. We never had the chance to use Sam because Jason moved and we lost touch as time passed. Sam was the son of our girl Ch Classy Staffys A Lucky Roll. He was her last litter and only Sam survived. He is also the son of George. He was an outstanding dog very balanced and well tempered.

Ch Classy Staffys A Piglet Too
Known as Buffy to her friends she was a great little dog. She was littermate to Ch Classy Staffys Rock N Roll, Ch Classy Staffys A Lucky Roll and Ch Classy Staffys A Brindle Blazer. It turned out to be a wonderful first ever Stafford litter for us!

Am/Can Ch Classy Staffys B A Fine Design
Dozer was sold to a young soldier who couldn’t keep him. The most wonderful home became available and Dozer went to live with a junior handler. Andrea Anderson worked hard training and showing Dozer in 4-H and AKC shows. She put both his American and Canadian titles on him. She went off to college and Dozer went to retire with my good friend Jim Cannon. He passed away there with Jim forever the true SBT male.