Available now.,,.Male 4 years old. He is an  AKC Champion of record.  Registered name Ch Classy Staffys White Lightning. Bubba’s sire is Australian champion and his dam is an AKC Grand Champion. Bubba is full health screened. He is a proven sire and easy breeder. Bubba is not free and requires a home with older children as he is sometimes the ”bull in a China shop”. Loves everyone.Available now. 7 year old spayed female. She is a retired show girl looking for a peaceful retirement home where belly rubs are numerous and the love of a special girl is wanted. She is gentle and easy keeper. She is registered Shine at Classy Staffys her call name is Shine. UTD on all vaccines. Shine has a re-homing fee.


These puppies are all spoken for. Our next litter will be winter 2024.

Flash!!! Puppies born May 21,2024 3 girls and 1 boy 

Brooks  is the mother


Ziggy is the sire.

Ziggy lives in the UK. We are excited for the arrival of these up and coming babies